<aside> ⭐ Welcome to the start of your self-growth journey! - Gracie


This planner helps you organise tasks to be more productive. Procrastinate less, achieve more.

Based on the GTD (Get Things Done) method by David Allen (Productivity Consultant), this is a system designed to be low pressure and flexible to your needs.

- I’m rooting for you!

- I’m rooting for you!


Quick Links!

*Please follow the instructions below before using these quick links :).

Master Planner

Daily To-Dos

Weekly To-Dos

Monthly To-Dos

1️⃣ Capture (start here!)

As soon as a to-do pops in your head, write it down here.

<aside> ☕ If a task can take you 5 minutes or less, don’t waste time organising it below. Do it now!
